Would this work on steaks or other cuts of meats?

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Do you mix the baking soda into the pound of ground beef or just sprinkle it on top -- like say on top and bottom of a hamburger?

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mix it in.

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I use baking soda to velvet beef, chicken, and shrimp for stir fried dishes, but never thought of using it on ground beef. That's wild!

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How would I work the baking soda into a steak? Such as seasoning by sprinkling it on each side and let it rest for 15 minutes

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I was worried you were going to stop at comparing the mass of one to the volume of the other. The chemistry teacher in me was going to have big-time beef with your conclusions. The identical glass comparison saved your bacon. Nice job.

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Thanks, chef. Do you think ¼ teaspoon per pound is the formula to use across meant cuts and types?

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Any reason to expect different results for ground pork, turkey, or veal?

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Good demo. One point - two ounces by weight (on the scale) is not the same as two ounces by volume (fluid ounce). Close - but different.

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