We had friends in Los Feliz, who invited us to dinner, the hostess was so excited for us to try her potato salad, We had to politely inform her to cook the potatoes before adding the other ingredients

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WOW! This is great. Can you believe they used to eat raw potatoes hundreds of years ago?

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I read this as if it was a romantic novel of the art of making potato salad! Let’s just say I got more than an appetite by your choice in words! Well done!

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I just made potato salad out of the baked potatoes last night.

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Eeeep, just made this and I’m thrilled with not having basically cold, seasoned mashed potatoes!!! Thank you, Chef!!

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I've never made a decent potato salad in my (long) life, which was always upsetting because I LOVE potatoes and dressing and the two together should not be a bitter disappointment.

THIS was SO good!!

My husband is still excited about it.

Learning to cook after retirement - never too late, and worth the effort.

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Dirt Apples!

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Honey? It’s not mentioned in the recipe but in the ingredients. ???

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