With Full Video
Love this. Sliders are an under appreciated format for grilled meat, and IMHO offer the perfect meat to bun ratio.
A little pesto on the bun here wouldn't suck either...
My Wife says “basil in the pillow case? I’d be afraid he’d stick me in the oven. It’s over if he comes after me with a stick of butter” 😂
So fun. The outtake reel would be must see as well. Great job.
Love this. Sliders are an under appreciated format for grilled meat, and IMHO offer the perfect meat to bun ratio.
A little pesto on the bun here wouldn't suck either...
My Wife says “basil in the pillow case? I’d be afraid he’d stick me in the oven. It’s over if he comes after me with a stick of butter” 😂
So fun. The outtake reel would be must see as well. Great job.